What to expect in the naturalization process?

What to expect in the naturalization process?

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Naturalization is the legal process through which a person can become a United States citizen. This process involves meeting specific requirements, such as residency, language proficiency, passing a citizenship test, and going through a formal application process.

Once a person is naturalized, they are granted the same rights and privileges as any other US citizen, including the right to vote, work, and travel freely within the country. It is a significant step in the immigration process, as it represents a commitment to become a full member of a new society.

Steps for the naturalization process

Once you have decided to apply for the naturalization process, you must carry out the following steps:

1. Fill out the application form for naturalization. You can download this format on the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services page. You should review the instructions very carefully, as well as the requested documents, to have your complete application. Once finished, you can send it by email or by regular mail.

2. Go to an appointment where they will take your biometric information. Once the Citizenship and Immigration Services receive and review your application, they will send you a notification to attend an appointment where they will take your fingerprints, photograph, and signature. Before introducing yourself, you should review their website and the additional documents that the FBI uses for background checks.

3. Prepare for your naturalization interview. During the interview, you will have to take an English test, as well as a civics test. This final exam covers essential topics in the history and government of the United States. Again, there are free study tools available to help you prepare.

4. Go to the naturalization interview. During this interview, a USCIS officer will ask you different questions about your application and background. You will present the exams and any other information that may be requested, and later they will give you your results.

5. Take the oath of allegiance to the United States. Once you have successfully completed the interview and your application has been approved, you will take the Oath of Allegiance. This will take place in a naturalization ceremony.

If you have questions or need help to start this process, at the Daniel Shanfield Immigration Defense law firm, we can help you! Call us today and schedule a consultation! 📱 408-359-4388 

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